Category: Invest in You

  • Cost of Living in Cebu

    In 2020, Cebu will be celebrating its 455th Founding Anniversary. This old city is one of the three metropolitan areas in the Philippines alongside Manila and Davao and is considered as the capital of the Visayan region of the country. The city has almost more than 250,000 families with an average of 4 people in…

  • Cost of Living in Japan

    If there was ever a place that has caught my fancy, then it’s Japan. Steve Jobs famously said that his favourite holiday destination was Kyoto, which is considered one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Travelling to Japan on holiday is considerably different from living in Japan. Japan has a reputation of being…

  • Is it worthwhile to invest my CPF Money in the Investment Funds given?

    CPF Investment Scheme (CPFIS) was launched by CPF for CPF members to utilise their CPF money for investments and to enhance their retirement egg nest. For more information on the CPFIS scheme, you can visit the CPFIS scheme website here. The more important question however, is “should I invest my money into the funds?” Statistically, the answer…

  • 88 Curated Warren Buffet Quotes on Investing

    The father of all investments – Warren Buffet is a legendary figure head whose great investment philosophy is more wise than any great man in our time. Here we are sharing handpicked 88 quotes by Warren Buffet. 88 Famous Quotes by Warren Buffett on Investing “Never invest in a business you cannot understand.” “Always invest…

  • CPF Education Scheme for NUS, NTU and SMU

    You would probably have used the CPF Education Scheme to fund for your tertiary education in NUS, NTU or SMU. In fact, from personal experience of a local grad, people will want to exploit this scheme as an alternative to “withdraw” funds from their CPF! This comes forth from the perspective that the CPF funds indirectly…

  • Is the New CPF LIFE Escalating Plan a good deal?

    Set to launch in the beginning of 2018, the new CPF LIFE Escalating plan is another retirement payout option for retirees to choose from beside the currently existing plan – the Basic Plan and the Standard Plan. The new plan includes 2 features: You start with a lower monthly CPF LIFE payout (20% lower than…

  • What is Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)

    ETFs It is an Investment Instrument – a stock market tool. It tracks a bunch of securities’ prices. Its value is pegged to the underlying securities’ price it is tracking. It allows you to buy and sell hundreds of companies’ securities with just one purchase It purchases individual securities based on a specific index’s composite…

  • Things you MUST know about using CPF for Housing Loan

    Things you MUST know about using CPF for Housing Loan

    Repayment of CPF Housing Loan’s Accrued Interest How your Housing Loan work? You decided to buy a home for $500,000. As you do not have the full $500,000, you decided to take on a $400,000 loan from CPF (CPF Board) to buy the house (80% loan quantum). The remaining $100,000 you will pay with your…

  • CPF Schemes Singaporeans should be aware of

    The Central Provident Funds (CPF), is a “social security system that enables working Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents to set aside funds for retirement. It also addresses healthcare, home ownership, family protection and asset enhancement.” “CPF Overview”. N.p., 2016. Web. 29 Mar. 2016. While most people believe that CPF is only meant for the…